Our teeth greatly influence our general health. Even losing one tooth can severely affect our oral health and self-esteem. It may result in trouble chewing, impacting our nutritional intake and digestion.


Replacing teeth is a necessity, not an option. By doing this, the remaining teeth are preserved and balanced, and the ability to chew correctly is restored for improved health. Full mouth dental implants differ from tooth replacement options, such as crowns, bridges, and removable dentures. They differ from previous tooth replacement options since they resemble regular teeth' appearance and functionality and replace lost teeth.


 Dental implants are near-natural copies rather than merely teeth replacements. They preserve the other structures while imitating the appearance and functionality of natural teeth. Dental implants, like real teeth, consist of two parts: the crown, which is visible outside of the mouth, and the root, which is inserted into the bone. They can replace one tooth or several teeth thanks to their unique construction. They can even give implant-supported complete mouth-fixed teeth with chewing strength comparable to natural teeth.



How does one go about getting dental implants?

A single office visit may be all that is required for the entire dental implant process, or it may take two years, depending on how complicated your dental problems are. The necessity for bone grafting and tooth extractions are the most frequent issues that will cause the dental implant timetable to be extended.


First Consultation

During your initial visit, the local dentist office in houston tx will likely take imprints of your teeth, perform a CT scan, and likely require an x-ray. Additionally, you might need to see a few specialists, such as:


General Dentist

Ear, nose, and throat specialist, or ENT

Oral Surgeon




Dental Extractions

The complexity of your dental extraction will rely on several elements and may add to the cost and time it carries for your dental implant procedure. If you have an influenced tooth, you’ll need oral surgery to release it.


Bone Grafting

Bone grafting for dental implants is mandated when the jawbone lacks the strength to keep the implant. Usually, bone is taken from another part of the body and grafted into the jawbone, but unnatural bone is also used.




Implants usually explain if you have one or more absent, injured, or worn teeth that might require further restoration. Implant technology could aid you if dentures, partial dentures, or bridges hinder you.


Patients who needed more bone or who had certain medical issues or habits were not thought to be good prospects for implants in the past. Most patients can now obtain implants due to bone restoration and diagnostics improvements.


Look at some of the best affordable dentist in Houston, Texas, so that you can find one that suits your budget. Our team is always available to help.


Briefly put

During dental implants, an oral surgeon inserts artificial tooth roots into your jaw. Your jawbone connects with these implants to keep your replacement teeth.



To obtain dental implants, you will need several appointments. First, you will confer with the dental implant in houston. After that, the implant placement operation will take place. You will have an appointment to get the replacement teeth inserted in a few months.